Sunday 5 January 2014


                         TIPS FOR PREVENTING CURE

Do not participate in unprotected sexual intercourse. The only form of sexual intercourse that does not carry a risk of HIV infection is in a mutually monogamous partnership in which both members are uninfected

  • HIV can be transmitted through unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse.
  • Get tested for HIV on a regular basis if you have multiple sex partners or suspect you may have been exposed.
    Do not reuse needles or syringes. These may carry and transmit HIV, putting intravenous drug users at risk of infection. Individuals who administer medications subcutaneously or intravenously should always use a new, sterile needle with each injection
    Talk to your partner about past and present sexual history. Ask if they have been tested recently and about the results. Do not have sex with anyone who refuses to disclose this information. Ask any new sexual partner if he or she has participated in intravenous drug use in the past.
    ii)Encourage your partner to be tested. If he or she has not recently been tested, ask your partner to do so before having sex.
    Seek treatment if you think you have been exposed to other STDs, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, or chlamydia. Infection with these diseases can increase your risk of contracting HIV.


    2.Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and B
    Do not abuse alcohol or recreational drugs. Losing full mental control can lead to dangerous situations or poor decision-making, increasing the likelihood of participating in unprotected intercourse or other activities that carry a high risk of HIV infection.
    Practice abstinence or safe sex. If you or your partner is infected with HIV, it is essential to use a latex condom and a lubricant (to prevent condom tears) during intercourse of any kind. Only engage in unprotected sex if you are in a mutually monogamous relationship in which both you and your partner are uninfected by HIV or any other STD.
    2.If you are infected, you must always notify a new sexual partner of your status before intercourse so that he or she can decide whether to continue involvement with you or take appropriate precautions to prevent infection
    3.Do not assume that someone who is asymptomatic does not have HIV. People can have HIV for many years before developing AIDS, and any infected person can transmit the virus.
    Get tested if you become pregnant. HIV infection can be transmitted from mother to child. Some medications may reduce the risk of transmission, so testing and treatment is essential. 
    Ask a health professional about other HIV prevention strategies. Some pharmaceutical options may soon be available to help increase the body’s resistance to HIV infection for individuals at high risk due to lifestyle factors.

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